Knowledge Transfer

Monday, April 30, 2012

URL Routing with ASP.NET 4.0
One thing that has always pinched me is the long URLs that I used to see in several of my projects. Due to better manageability, I used to have several folders, i.e. folder hierarchy for maintainability of my application. But the thing that I didn't ever like was the full physical path of pages in URLs. There are other ways which allow us to get rid of it like URL rewriting, but I didn't like that. We could also have our own custom URL route handler or some third party solution, but they have never been strong enough for an application. Frankly speaking, one of my clients asked me several times, "Why does this .aspx extension displays in the URL" and also told me that he does not like these long URLs. I used to tell him, this is the normal behavior of ASP.NET application. But we can change it with our own custom solution. However, that will require a little bit of time and also require a lot of testing. But when Microsoft released ASP.NET MVC 2 with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, and provided this Routing feature with it, I was very happy and started exploring it. In the meantime, I thought that it should also be provided with ASP.NET, because every time you may not require to follow MVC architecture and also found that MVC has nothing special to do with URL Routing. So I was expecting and waiting for ASP.NET Webform Routing. Now Microsoft introduced URL Routing with ASP.NET 4.0. URL routing is fully integrated, very powerful and straightforward. Please check the below link for more info: Happy Coding Udayabhaskar