Knowledge Transfer

Friday, May 29, 2009

Using Enterpraise Class Library in ASP.Net 2.0

ADO .NET provides many rich features that can be used to retrieve and display data in a number of ways, but even given such flexibility, sometimes developers find themselves repeating the same code again and again. For example, every data-driven application requires access to a database. You need to write code to connect to the database, open a connection, execute dynamic SQL or stored procedures, retrieve the results, and close the connection. In other words, this is "plumbing" code that you will be forced to write in almost any application you develop, even though it doesn't add any value to the core business users.

Some Useful Links Below Here

Enterpraise Class Library

Enterpriase Library Part2

Enterpriase class Library,WCF,WPF,WWF and More Videos (Author : Shivprasad Koirala )

if you some useful links on this topic please post i will update my BLOG along with your Link.


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Monday, May 25, 2009

Regular Expression in ASP

# Removing HTML Tags
# Removing Attributes From Html Tags
# Removing Empty HTML Tags
# Regex / Preg_replace :: Removing All Tags From A String
# Grabbing Html Tags Out Of String
# Detect HTML Tags In The String



For Membership Provider base /SQL Provider base Example,WebServices

For Webservices in

Click Here For more Webservice Concepts

For Membership Provider base /SQL Provider base Example

Click here for Authentication

For Good Technical .Net Videos Link

Click Here


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Passing Values between User Controls and ASPX Page

This article is for beginners who are learning. NET.This will be really helpful for them. Beginners will be wondered how to pass values between User Controls and ASPX page. In this article I have listed some of the ways through which you can access and set the User control values in an ASPX page. I started of with some of the basics, advantages and disadvantages of user controls.

Click Here For More info....



Thomson Retures Interview Questions

Requirement : .Net Developer

1)OOPs Concepts (Encapsulation,Abstraction,Polymorphisam,Object)
2)Overriding with Example
3)Connection string in ADO.Net
4)Diff B/w Oledb Provider and sql client
5)One DataBase table Desing with u r own Plan For "Many to many and Many to One" model
6)how to get the return value from function in C#
7)REF and OUT in C#
8)View State in
9)Page life cycle
10)WCF and WPF and WF indepth
11)AJAX Fundamentals


Gridview ,Details View,Fromviews,Repeater,Datalist Controles in ASP.Net

GridView Control

The GridView control displays data as a table and provides the capability to sort columns, page through data, and edit or delete a single record. the GridView control offers improvements such as the ability to define multiple primary key fields, improved user interface customization using bound fields and templates, and a new model for handling or canceling events

DetailsView Control

The DetailsView control renders a single record at a time as a table and provides the capability to page through multiple records, as well as to insert, update, and delete records. The DetailsView control is often used in master-detail scenarios where the selected record in a master control such as a GridView control determines the record displayed by the DetailsView control.

FormView Control

The FormView control renders a single record at a time from a data source and provides the capability to page through multiple records, as well as to insert, update, and delete records, similar to the DetailsView control. However, the difference between the FormView and the DetailsView controls is that the DetailsView control uses a table-based layout where each field of the data record is displayed as a row in the control. In contrast, the FormView control does not specify a pre-defined layout for displaying a record. Instead, you create templates that contain controls to display individual fields from the record. The template contains the formatting, controls, and binding expressions used to lay out the form.

Repeater Control

The Repeater control renders a read-only list from a set of records returned from a data source. Like the FormView control, the Repeater control does not specify a built-in layout. Instead you create the layout for the Repeater control using templates.

DataList Control

The DataList control renders data as table and enables you to display data records in different layouts, such as ordering them in columns or rows. You can configure the DataList control to enable users to edit or delete a record in the table. The DataList control differs from the Repeater control in that the DataList control explicitly places items in an HTML table, where as the Repeater control does not.


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