Knowledge Transfer

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How do you add a number of months to a date and then format the output?

###How do you add a number of months to a date and then format the output?###

### Date Functions ###

Happy Coding in javascript

How do you add a number of months to a date and then format the output?

### How do you add a number of months to a date and then format the output ###


Monday, November 26, 2007

sql server books,interview Questions,Faq's

This site is specially for all,sql server and javascript Tutorials ,books and interview questions available.

Happy Coding,

SQL SERVER 2005 Interview Questions,Tutorials,Faq's

This Site is Specially for all Concepts like in sql server, and javascript.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Email validation in javascript,Regular Expression For Email Address Verification

This script uses regular expressions to check that a form field contains a valid email address. Note that it won't catch all invalid emails, like most similar scripts. However, for most intents and purposes, this script should serve its purpose well, by rejecting common email typos while leaving room for obscure yet valid emails to pass.


Does your form contain INPUT box(es) that require a date value from the visitor? Sev's Popup Calendar script allows for a visual, interactive way of selecting and inputting this date, rendering the job of your visitor reaching for a physical calendar to find out the date (whether for today's or otherwise) obsolete. Very practical use of DHTML...

Ref Site:


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Paging in ASP

Some links for ASP pageing ..for Different different Formats.

Happy Coding

How to call SQL Server stored procedures from ASP

Here one link for Calling Stored Procedure in ASP.both input and output parameters in Sql server Stored Procedure.

Happy Coding

Automatically send the mail Through Schedular in ASP,ASP.NET,JSP or Any programming

This Code is Helpful when i am sending one Greeting at Specified Date.then that time the Greeting will be Sened o Specific Person Through XMLHttp Object in ASP,ASP.NET.

plz write the this VBS file or ASP File any file like this using XMLHttp Object.
Sub MyASPJob()
Dim oXMLHttp
Dim sURL
on error resume next
Set oXMLHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
sURL = "" "GET", sURL, false
if oXMLHttp.status = 200 Then
' Retrieve enter HTML response
MsgBox "Job Executed!!!!"
'MsgBox oXMLHttp.ResponseText
' Failed
end if
Set oXMLHttp = nothing
End Sub
Call MyASPJob()

Here The sURL="" File Contain the all Email Address For Sending Specific time.

Then Let's Start the Process to put the above "dispatch.vbs" File into Schduler.

ControlePanel--->Scheduler--->add -->add the dispatch.vbs File into Schedular.
For Specific time to execute that File.that's it.

then Automaticay Everyday Schedular is Excuted then that time the "dispather.asp" File is called ...

Happy Coding.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

RFC822_Date Format For RSS and Normal Dates in ASP,.Net,JSP Formats

The Date Formats are Different like dd/mm/yyyy,mm/dd,yyyy, like that some Date Formats are Different.

This is RFC822 Format date Code For Using in RSS Feed.

In ASP Code:
call return_RFC822_Date(NOW(),"GMT")

The Function For Geeting RFC822 Format :

Function return_RFC822_Date(myDate, offset)
Dim myDay, myDays, myMonth, myYear
Dim myHours, myMonths, mySeconds

myDate = CDate(myDate)
myDay = WeekdayName(Weekday(myDate),true)
myDays = Day(myDate)
myMonth = MonthName(Month(myDate), true)
myYear = Year(myDate)
myHours = zeroPad(Hour(myDate), 2)
myMinutes = zeroPad(Minute(myDate), 2)
mySeconds = zeroPad(Second(myDate), 2)

return_RFC822_Date = myDay&", "& _
myDays&" "& _
myMonth&" "& _
myYear&" "& _
myHours&":"& _
myMinutes&":"& _
mySeconds&" "& _
End Function
Function zeroPad(m, t)
zeroPad = String(t-Len(m),"0")&m
End Function

Enjoy the Coding.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Menus,PopUps,Image Effect in javascript Use

all types of Calendars, Date & Time ,Document Effects ,Dynamic Content,Iframe & Ajax, Form Effects ,Games ,Image Effects,Galleries, Mouseover, Slideshows ,Links & Tooltips ,Menus & Navigation,CSS Based, Multi-levels ,Mouse and Cursor ,Scrollers ,Text Animations ,User/System Preference ,Window and Frames ,XML and RSS Other


Full cross-browser compatibility including IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox, Konqueror and Safari,on Windows, Mac OS and Linux ,Search engine friendly ,Fits for secure HTTPS sites,Section 508 compliant,Support for any doctypes,Menu can be populated from a database using ASP, PHP, etc.

Multiple dhtml menus on the same page
Friendly to other scripts and css styles
Any HTML code can be used within javascript menu items

Tabs is your choice! Just divide the information and distribute it among the tabs so that your visitors could reach the next piece of information with one single click

Enjoy with Coding

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

How to Create DLL File in C#.Net or VB.Net

Creating a DLL using Visual C# is piece of cake. Believe me its much easier than VC++. I have divided this tutorial in two parts. 1. Building a Class Library, and 2. Building a client application to test the DLL.

Happy Coding

Friday, November 2, 2007

Good Site and Blog For Share Point Server 2007 ,WSS
